Unlock Your Real Estate Success with Relately® Marketing

Are you tired of playing the waiting game for referrals in the cutthroat world of Real Estate? Don't leave your success up to luck; let's make it a sure thing! With Relately® Marketing, you'll stay so top-of-mind that your database will turn into a goldmine of repeat and referral business. It's time to say goodbye to an unpredictable business and hello to a world where you can rely on a steady stream of repeat and referral business.

In Real Estate, most agents are running a word-of-mouth business, which is also known as “accidental referrals.” When we ask them how they get their business, they say, “People just call me.” Great, that means you were good at what you did when you did it, but Word of Mouth is not reliable. You are living in a world of luck, inconsistency, and unreliable results.

In Real Estate, inconsistent growth, financial unpredictability, and ineffective marketing can make the daily grind exhausting. Waiting for the phone to ring isn't a sustainable strategy. That's where Relately® Marketing comes in. We offer tools and strategies to transform your business from stagnant to consistently growing, providing a more reliable approach.

Imagine a Real Estate business where your success is built on strategy rather than luck.

Meet Barb, who cracked the code by focusing on her database of clients and prospects. Her secret sauce? Monthly postcards. These weren't just any postcards; they were carefully designed to inform and inspire, establishing her as a trusted resource in Real Estate. With this simple yet effective approach, Barb was always top-of-mind for her clients' Real Estate needs. By consistently nurturing these relationships, she achieved extraordinary success. With Barb's proven postcard method, you, too, can turn your business into a relationship-driven success story.

Our process is brilliantly simple yet incredibly effective. We provide you with a simple yet effective marketing system that includes content to help you remain top of mind with your database.

Monthly Postcards

Beautifully designed and customized monthly postcards that will build trust and generate a response - mailed straight to your client’s mailbox, by us, without you having to lift a finger.

Celebration Cards

Beautifully designed and customized monthly postcards that will build trust and generate a response - mailed straight to your client’s mailbox, by us, without you having to lift a finger.

Personal Notecards

Personal Notecards meant to Enhance one-on-one Connections with your Clients. Available in ready-to-print form OR printed by us and sent straight to your door.

Our goal is to simplify your marketing efforts while maximizing their impact. With our comprehensive marketing system, you'll have the tools and materials you need to connect with your clients on a personal level, all while saving time and energy. It's marketing made easy, so you can focus on what you do best – serving your clients and growing your Real Estate business.

What others are saying about Relately® Marketing

Relately® Marketing is exactly what my business needed. A way to stay in touch with my clients on a consistent basis. It brings me a steady stream of referral business.
— Heather V.
The custom postcards have allowed me a simple way to stay in consistent contact with my database!
— Eric J.
I love having celebration cards that help me acknowledge the special occasions in my clients’ lives!
— Mary M.
Relately® Marketing is exactly what the Real Estate industry needs right now!
— Mike L.

With Relately® Marketing, Real Estate pros like you have switched from uncertainty to consistent growth and financial stability. No more waiting for the phone to ring or fretting about the next lead. Our system has helped agents not only increase their income but also become trusted advisors in their clients' Real Estate journeys. Simply put, we turn you from a hopeful agent into a proven success story. So don't just take our word for it—experience how we can be the game-changer in your Real Estate career.

Get started today with Relately® Marketing and redefine your Real Estate game. No more waiting or uncertainty—by signing up, you choose growth, stability, and a vibrant future. With our tools and support, success isn't just a dream. It's your new normal. Why wait? Your next chapter starts now. Join us and start relying on a steady stream of repeat and referral business! Every Real Estate agent's dream.

Our pricing is not just affordable; it's also designed to cater specifically to your unique needs. Choose the membership tier that suits you best:

Membership Tier 1 - $197 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

0-100 Postcards Per Month

  • Get 0-100 Monthly Marketing Postcards customized with your personal information, printed, and mailed directly to your database.

  • Access Celebration Cards, available as ready-to-print downloadable files or delivered straight to your doorstep.

  • Personal Notecards are at your disposal, either as ready-to-print downloadable files or sent directly to your doorstep.

  • Enjoy monthly Social Media Content updates with seasonal and Real Estate-focused content, ready for download and posting via Canva.

Membership Tier 3 - $397 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

101-200 Postcards Per Month

  • Get 101-200 Monthly Marketing Postcards customized with your personal information, printed, and mailed directly to your database.

  • Access Celebration Cards, available as ready-to-print downloadable files or delivered straight to your doorstep.

  • Personal Notecards are at your disposal, either as ready-to-print downloadable files or sent directly to your doorstep.

  • Enjoy monthly Social Media Content updates with seasonal and Real Estate-focused content, ready for download and posting via Canva.

Membership Tier 2 - $297 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

201-300 Postcards Per Month

  • Get 201-300 Monthly Marketing Postcards customized with your personal information, printed, and mailed directly to your database.

  • Access Celebration Cards, available as ready-to-print downloadable files or delivered straight to your doorstep.

  • Personal Notecards are at your disposal, either as ready-to-print downloadable files or sent directly to your doorstep.

  • Enjoy monthly Social Media Content updates with seasonal and Real Estate-focused content, ready for download and posting via Canva.

With these flexible pricing tiers, you have the freedom to choose the level of service that aligns perfectly with your business requirements. Its pricing is tailored to your needs, ensuring you get the most out of Relately® Marketing's powerful resources without breaking the bank.

Sample Postcards

Sample Celebration Cards

With Relately® Marketing, move from passive waiting to active growth in your Real Estate career. Our proven system offers a reliable approach to consistent leads and referrals, differentiating us from hit-or-miss marketing options. Consider it a strategic investment in your business for stable income and long-term success.

We understand that budget flexibility is crucial, so we provide various payment options designed to accommodate your financial preferences. You can choose from our range of affordable plans tailored to the volume of postcards you'll be sending out. Regardless of which plan you select, you can have confidence that your investment in Relately® Marketing will result in substantial returns for your Real Estate business.

  • Membership Tier 1

    0-100 Postcards Per Month

    $197 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

  • Membership Tier 2

    101-200 Postcards Per Month

    $297 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

  • Membership Tier 3

    201-300 Postcards Per Month

    $397 a month + one-time setup fee of $97

Before you even have to wonder, rest assured we've considered every detail. Our comprehensive marketing system leaves no stone unturned, addressing every facet of your Real Estate business. 

Now, let's delve into these frequently asked questions:

  • When can I expect my first postcard?

Your first postcard will be available within two business days after you've completed the onboarding process.

  • When can I expect my monthly marketing postcard to be available for download?

Your customized monthly marketing postcard will be delivered to your inbox via email by the 25th of each month.

  • Can I make changes to my postcard after it is delivered to me?

Changes can only be made if there are errors in your contact information. Otherwise, postcard content remains unchanged.

  • What if I don't like the content on my postcard?

While we're confident you'll love the marketing materials from Relately® Marketing, we're open to your suggestions and feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts with us anytime at support@relatelymarketing.com.

  • Will you add new designs to the Celebration Card area?

Absolutely! We'll continually expand our options for Celebration Cards. Keep an eye on your Member's Area and watch for email communications announcing new designs.

  • When will the monthly social media content be available for downloading?

You can expect the new monthly content to be accessible in your Relately® Marketing membership area no later than the 25th of each month.

  • Can I add my logo to the social media designs?

Of course! The social media content we design is yours to customize. You're welcome to incorporate your own custom logos and branding elements. We provide a Canva template link for easy access and customization.

Step into a world where your Real Estate destiny is firmly within your grasp, where success isn't left to chance but is a purposeful endeavor. Allow me to share with you the heartfelt journey that has shaped my own career in the realm of Real Estate.

My story is one that fills me with deep gratitude and awe. Right from the outset, I possessed a profound understanding that the beating heart of a thriving Real Estate venture lies in the connections we foster within our database. I realized that amidst the sea of Real Estate professionals, it's the bond we nurture with our clients and prospects that paves the path to greatness.

Let me introduce you to my ingenious system, a powerful framework built around the concept of monthly postcards. But these postcards are far from being mere pieces of paper; they are the lifeblood of my relationship marketing strategy. Each one is a carefully crafted masterpiece, designed not just to inform but to inspire. These postcards brim with invaluable insights, market knowledge, and content that positions us as more than Real Estate agents – we are trusted professionals, advisors, and confidants.

Every personalized touch on those postcards has been the driving force behind my monumental success. They aren't just mail; they are a testament to my commitment to my clients and my unwavering dedication to being a valuable resource in their Real Estate journeys. These postcards have become the channel through which I've built lasting connections, ensuring that I remain top-of-mind whenever my clients and prospects think about their Real Estate needs.

When you choose to use my postcards, you're not just receiving a piece of marketing material; you're tapping into a proven method that works. These postcards are a reflection of my wealth of experience, my unparalleled expertise, and my unyielding dedication to my clients' success. When you send out these postcards, you're harnessing the very power that propelled my brokerage to greatness.

In the world of Real Estate, where relationships are the currency of success, my journey serves as a beacon of inspiration. It's a reminder that by staying connected, providing value, and consistently nurturing those relationships, you too can chart a course to your own version of greatness in the Real Estate universe.

I'm Barb Betts, and I wear many hats in the Real Estate world. Not only am I a seasoned Real Estate expert, but I'm also a passionate educator, the proud CEO of The RECollective®, a thriving boutique brokerage in sunny Southern California, and the driving force behind Relately® Marketing—an innovative system designed to deepen personal relationships and foster trust in the real estate industry.

Over the years, I've had the honor of gracing numerous stages, from Inman Connect to WomanUP!, and the National Association of REALTORS® Annual Conference. Whether I'm delving into topics like referrals, authenticity, or the power of relationships, I always bring an honest, compassionate, and transparent approach to every single presentation.

With over two decades of experience in the Real Estate industry, I've navigated the ever-changing landscape and struck the delicate balance of running a vibrant brokerage. Through my signature course, Real Estate By Relationship®, I've had the privilege of educating business builders on the precise systems, processes, and knowledge needed to thrive in any market.

You might have spotted me in REALTOR® Magazine or RRC Residential Specialist Magazine, where I've shared my insights. I also host an award-winning podcast, Real Estate By Relationship®, where I engage in thought-provoking conversations about building confidence, embracing authenticity, and, of course, Real Estate.

But I'm not just about Real Estate. I'm also a brand ambassador for Follea by Daniel Alain, where I openly share my journey with adult hair loss. I believe in being an open book and keeping it real with everyone I meet.

Known for my ability to captivate an audience with impactful and high-energy presentations, I can help any crowd tap into their greatness, leave feeling empowered, and armed with a clear action plan.